

Do you want to become a franchisee?

Franchise is a business that is growing increasingly in the world. We believe it is because the franchise, in a unique way, combining balance between the freedom to be self-employed and the security of working with a proven business concept.

Being a franchisee means you run your own business, just like any other business whatsoever, but you also have the support of education, marketing, product development and other support from your franchisor. For this, you pay a fee that varies between the different chains. The thing that both you and your franchisor is always interested in your business will be as successful as possible.


Franchising Your Business

Franchising can not only strengthen the brand and reach of a company, but it can also act as a very good method of securing its future. Franchising provides an established product or service which may already enjoy widespread brand-name recognition. Below are some articles to help you get a better idea of what franchising is about.

Frequently asked questions about Franchising

How much that cost?2023-04-26T19:39:55+04:00

Impossible to answer (how long is a string?).

It depends on what the franchisee will perform and how well known company name is and what the market will bear. You get what you pay for.

How do you know what is a reasonable fee level?2023-04-26T19:40:34+04:00

It’s very difficult to say what a reasonable fee is when different systems have completely different fee levels that are dependent on a variety of factors. The best part is that when you have found out the charge is on, sit down in peace and quiet and try to calculate what it will give back the money.

How much is the brand worth? How much marketing do I get? Can I stand to keep the budget and it will be something over with this level of charges SFF Have something standard?2023-04-26T19:41:09+04:00

No. SFF does not have any standard. This is to all the contracts are individual and must be made up by just the current needs of the company. However, check our checklist before the franchise agreement that one can follow a recommendation.

Can I do anything? Or do I always do that the franchisor says?2023-04-26T19:52:42+04:00

Yes and No. The strength of franchising lies in the unity that makes customers feels at home. But of course both can and should take the initiative in the concept’s frame.

If it does not go well, I can get free?2023-04-26T19:53:12+04:00

No franchisors want to try to force the remaining franchisees that do not thrive. First try of course to see where the problems are and solve them together. But if this fails should be separated in a way that is best for all concerned – think of the customers.

If things go well, how much can I earn?2023-04-26T19:53:33+04:00

How much anywhere – profit is the franchisee. But there is also the risk, which is included in every deal.

Can I sell my franchise?2023-04-26T19:53:55+04:00

Yeah – but only with the franchisor’s permission. It is the sensor that should live together with the buyer, perhaps for many years. He must get a chance to evaluate your buyers as partners.

What help can I expect?2023-04-26T19:54:16+04:00

All franchisors are keen that it goes well for their franchisees. Of course – it’s best advertisement for the system. The contract is a long list of everything that the donor will be responsible for: name and profile, product development, marketing, training and information, administrative help, perhaps the flow of goods. An important task is to ensure that franchisees are allowed to exchange experiences and tips with each other.

Can I collaborate with other franchisees?2023-04-26T19:54:44+04:00

Yes, franchising requires a free and open exchange not only between the franchisor and the franchisee individuals but also between these peer. It facilitates life to exchange goods, services and advice. And franchisor will be happy if he has franchisees that recognize that they have the right and obligation to demand their franchise centre.

How will I know if I dare to invest in a franchise?2023-04-26T19:55:04+04:00

Ask, ask, ask. Question us, ask franchisees already in the system, question bank, municipal business advisors. And do not forget to ask yourself if you want to work hard long week and take responsibility for your own life instead of being an employee.

How do I know the company I am interested in is serious?2023-04-26T19:55:32+04:00

Ask to get as much information as possible by the franchisor. Set also “uncomfortable” questions and ask to see financial calculations. Call around to other franchisees in the system. Search rather too much than too little! Also if they are members of some franchisee Association.

What should I particularly look out for?2023-04-26T19:56:05+04:00

Before you Reflections on big money. Many franchisees have good incomes and many have sold their franchises for a million or more. But more common is that you have to work hard for quite a while for a moderate income. If someone wants you to believe otherwise, was sceptical!

Fits me for franchising?2023-04-26T19:56:28+04:00

Know you better yourself. But your franchisor also knows quite well what kind of man he is looking for. Do not be cracked if you get no – maybe’s long experience saved you from a serious mistake.

If my family says no?2023-04-26T19:57:03+04:00

Refrain then. An entrepreneur’s life requires a family who understand what entrepreneurship means: sometimes long hours, often stressful, always exciting.

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